Fish-Eggs Pakora (Machher Dimer bora)


  • Fish Eggs: 250 gm
  • Onions (chopped): 2 medium
  • Green chillies (chopped): 3 – 4
  • Turmeric powder: ½ tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil for frying


  1. Add the onions, chillies, turmeric powder and salt to the fish eggs in a bowl and mash properly to make a thick paste-like consistency.
  2. Heat oil in a pan. Make lumps of the mixture and pour in the hot oil.
  3. Fry them until light brown or ensure its fully cooked till the core.
  4. Roll in a tissue paper to remove the excess oil.
  5. Serve hot with ghee rice (suggested).

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